Prize Giving Speech for School or College:
A prize giving speech for a school or college needs to have enough gravitas to mark the occasion. Invariably, the prize winners and… [6320 views in Sep]
End of Year Speech for Club or Team:
So, another season’s over and it’s time for your end of year speech. Whether it’s been a glorious success, dire disaster or, as is more often… [5802 views in Sep]
21st Birthday Speech:
Making a speech at your 21st birthday party is a great way to thank your family for their of support and to highlight your plans for the future. No one was ever… [3432 views in Sep]
Eulogy for Work Colleague:
Giving any kind of eulogy is probably one of the saddest things we are ever likely to do and when it’s for a work colleague, there’s the added need to be… [2344 views in Sep]
Speech to Close an Event:
As the ice-cream van, once lost behind a thronging kaleidoscopic snake of queuing people, now stands alone and the tombola stall boasts only shampoo bottles… [1528 views in Sep]
Christening or Naming Ceremony Speech:
A Christening or naming ceremony is a really important moment in an infant’s life – and it’s a pretty emotionally charged one for the… [1426 views in Sep]
Our Categories...
Bereavement: Eulogy for Mother, Eulogy for a Child, Eulogy for a Brother or...
Work & Employment: Chief Executive's Annual Speech to Employees, Farewell Speech If...
Latest Comments
Minnie Re: 21st Birthday Speech
Hi Can you please help me wit upcoming 21st birthday ND I just want tomorrow prepare a speech saying thank you too my parents ,ND thank the…
Ash Re: 21st Birthday Speech
My 21st is the 29th March however I need you to please help me with a speech cause I really wanna thank everyone for coming.
Shortcake Re: 21st Birthday Speech
Hi can you please prepare my 21st birthday speech on the 14th of April 2025. That would be held on the 19th of April I really dnt know what…
Renco Re: End of Year Speech for Club or Team
Need a massage to address my community as a national sports coordinator for and end of year ceremony and end of the…